Sunday, October 2, 2011

Christmas Break 2011... 'Work Team' Mexico

Plans are being made for a work team to Mexico just a day or two after Christmas. This usually helps those in school to make the trip without missing but a few days. It's hard to make it fit for everyone, but over the years, this time frame has worked the best for all.
I will be posting more as an indication of how many can make the trip, and the plans formulate.

Guachochi-Chihuahua, México

About Guachochi, Mexico:
Guachochi is a small town that is located to the south of Chihuahua, MX, and sits at almost 8,000ft elevation (so it still gets chilly!).  It sits at the mouth of a tributary of the Copper Canyon area (which is similar to the Grand Canyon here).  Ed and Debby Capps have been missionaries to Mexico for over 25 years, and Guachochi is their home. They have a very active and growing church with the Mexican people in Guachochi, and are missions minded in reaching out to the Tarahumara people.

The Tarahumara Indians mostly live in the Copper Canyon Area, and are considered the most indigenous people group in all North America.  They are a non-hostile people group who are mostly unreached, uneducated, and primitive (some even still live in caves).  Mostly, it’s the Capp’s hearts desire to reach out to these people and show them the love of Jesus, and the Lord’s mercy and grace.  Their church in Guachochi is doing more and more outreach to this people group who are outcasts in the Mexican towns, and who are subject to superstitions and fear because of being so uneducated.

About the Missions Trip:
DATES:  Christimas Break……
WHO:  Families or individuals.  There is no age limit, just a heart to serve Christ
COST: Estimated $750 each……plus group funding for the work project-if possible $500.00 each, or more?
TRANSPORTATION:   ( A suburban is available to use from El Paso and then on to Mexico) Depending on response, and the ‘head count’ it may be necessary to drive another vehicle or more from departure point.

* Passport (must have a passport to travel across any boarder)
* Bible, notebook/journal & pen, camera (if you want)
*  If Flying……One suitcase for your personal items, and one suitcase to take group items (food, tools and clothing for the Mexicans and Indians)
*  Sleeping Bag and Bed roll (or ThermaRest) and pillow
*  Work Clothes, travel clothes & a Sunday Church outfit (also toiletries & p.j.’s)
* Leather Gloves (for work project)
*  Jacket & Sweatshirt (good to layer clothing)
*  Other work tools/items will be requested as needed
*  Less than $100 spending money (this is to your own discretion)

Projects On the Trip:
  1. Work projects –  Building project at Christian School site in Guachochi or on school house at Ranch.
  2. Assisting Ed & Debby with projects in Guachochi & evangelism/outreach
  4. Daily devotions and growing in our own relationship with the Lord

 Steve Barbour 307-660-2573  or  686-2573
As this trip is being planned, I ask that you pray and sincerely seek the Lord about His plans and desires for you to be a part of the team, and  to also ask questions if you need more information..  What an exciting opportunity this is to join the Lord in HIS work in other parts of the world.  If you are interested in going,  please contact:

 See additional pictures from the past @