These two videos are some of the school students singing in Spanish and English.....what an amazing group, and you can see the joy and fun they have!
Mrs. Leslie and her girls.....Oh yeah, with Stephanie, Candice, Debby, and Marlen as the other adults/kids!
It was very dry in Guachochi, as they have been in a drought condition. The rainy season starts in July thru September, but abnormally dry weather has also prevailed the rest of the year. Everywhere we walked outside caused little puffs of dust, and of course was constantly 'tracked' in on the floor. Constant sweeping and cleaning are a must to keep ahead of it!
Ed has 'imported' these two pieces of equipment (payed the tax 'duty fee' ) to bring them into Mexico. Here he was moving this dirt to fill in between the two classroom buildings. The area in this picture will become a playground...dirt rocks and all. Different than our playgrounds 'Stateside'.
Enough slope in the property necessitated building a deep foundation on this end of the newest building. Basements are not the norm here because of all the rock that has to be removed (usually by hand with a pick, shovel and wheelbarrow), so it was nice to see they could utilize this space for and extra room. It should be in the summer and warm in the winter.
A fence is required by the government to 'identify' all properties and was needed for security of the school. Most property lines are established with rocks walls. You can see some of those in previous pictures that have been posted in recent trips on this blog.
It was going to cost some $50,000.00 to build this, but the local government is putting in the majority of the fence, only requiring the school to install the lane portion coming into the property. It is quite the process in building this fence, all by hand labor, mixing, carrying the cement in 5 gallon buckets, pouring the foundation, then putting up forms for the small wall, and then again; mixing, wheel-borrowing and pouring by hand. This is a huge blessing for the school....I think the 'powers to be' realize the value of the school and the teachings that come forth from the walls.
Looking in from the West property line at the property.
The two classroom building on the left, what was going to be a home in the middle (now going to be administration and living quarters), and a house on the right. I believe the Pastor of the Church/Head Master of the School, Antonio and his family will eventually live in the house.
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