Wednesday, June 13, 2012

There are so many more pictures I could post, but these at least give an overview of what took place on this trip. Words and pictures cannot capture or express the overwhelming vastness of this area that Ed and Debby have dedicated their lives. I can say without a doubt they have made a can see it in Guachochi, and you can really see the difference in the the Indians at the Canyon.
I would hope you all go back to the beginning of this blog and take a look at all the pictures, and comments to get the 'big picture' of the purpose of these trips.
How about considering a trip yourself? Everyone has a gifting that can and would be utilized with these work teams.
I will keep posting updates as I receive information from the Capps, or have comments of my own.....check back often, you never know when I might have more to add. 

 In the center of the picture, you can see the new adobe building...left to right center is the runway for Ed to use when the plane is ready to go.
              Happy group....ready to go home, but sad to be leaving!

Good Morning!.....we packed up and sent all our gear up the cable system, and then made the climb back to the top of the mountain.
 Very colorful!
Church time, before the group served the community Indians supper!
Found a picture of the plywood building that blew down....The new adobe building was built in the same spot, only turned the other way. least what we could accomplish in two days. Pretty impressive to have a group of teenagers and a few adults bring this to reality in that short of time!
The floor portion of the building was 18" to 24" deep, and had to be filled in with dirt. Cement is expensive....the sand and cement both must be hauled down the cable system at the ranch, so the 'Adobe' will more than likely always have a dirt floor. Digging and wheel burrowing that much dirt would have taken forever, so the 'dozer' was fired up and put to work. This dozer is a story in itself.....the acquisition and the dismantling of the entire machine, transporting it down the cable system piece by piece and then reassembling at the bottom! We are very thankful it is there to use!
You can see how everyone was working away....just like an ant colony! :)
Well deserved 'break' from the task of carrying blocks, sifting the dirt, mixing the mud, cleaning the blocks for laying, and drinking lots of water. The 8000' altitude, sun and dry weather didn't slow this group down much. They were instructed and sometime forced to take a breather....what a 'great crew!'
 Laying up the wall......
 Positioning and laying the last block that we helped with. Both gable ends will be layed with adobe block; which will require some 'high' work. We ran out of time to complete that part, but all the material is there for the finish. Lumber and tin had been hauled down by the cable system, and is there ready for the roof too.
This adobe building is being built for the 'caretaker' Indian family at the Ranch. Several months ago the small plywood building they used as a kitchen was destroyed in a huge wind burst. It was a tiny building (approx 8'X12') with a door and a window. The new building will have two rooms. I did not measure the size, but would guess it was 14'X24'.

These adobe blocks were made ahead of time. The material is dug from the ground, mixed with, water, pine needles, and grass. It is then packed into a mold, deposited on the ground and left for drying. Antonio (Indian that made the blocks) said; "it takes a lot of preparation, then I can make around 100 blocks a day." With some extra blocks made (per Ed's request) around 700, 40/50# adobe blocks were moved to the building site by the group.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

We are back to Guachochi from the 'ranch'.....all very tired but elated in the accomplishments of two days time. A group of teenagers moved these adobe blocks (about 40-45 lbs each) mixed the mud mortar, laid and finished the building project that we didn't imagine could be done in that amount of time.
The Internet is very slow here in the evenings, taking about 10 minutes to download this one more pictures may have to wait until I get a faster connection. That may be the airport on the way home.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Trusses are up, sheeting is on and now the roof tin is on too. Ed and Debby and Gayle left before noon with 7 others for the mountain. The rest of us (25) will leave tomorrow morning.
We finished the roof (except for the edges...Antonio and crew will take care of that) got some of the sheet rock up, and the taping done in another room. Cleaned up the site, and hauled tools and equipment back to Eds. Made it to Church late, and then the youth all went to play soccer with the locals. Meet around 8:30 for some street tacos (really good) and then to a different shop for ice 10 pm and must get to bed, as we will get an early start for the 'ranch' on the mountain. We don't come back in from there until Sunday. If time permits a may post another picture then, otherwise this will may be the last posting until we get back to the USA.
 Setting trusses
Gayle trying to keep the generator going....Thanks Gayle! Since this is the only power at the site, he had a 'very important job'!

 This is our 'project'...setting trusses and the roofing.

Group picture as we stopped along the way for Parral, right before we started the climb into the mountains.

 Where we stayed the first night
 Picked up the roof trusses here also. Pretty good load on the trailer, being pulled by the 'loaded' 15 passenger van.
Ready to hit the road....on to Guachochi.
The work going on here in Guachochi is having great results. The school is growing people are getting saved and others are getting blessed from serving the Lord.
Gayle N.
Have spent the last two days working on the school class room building. The trusses are all set, the plywood sheeting is nailed on and the tin roofing will be completed today. This 'much older' guy has crawled up and down a ladder so many times I definitely know that 'physical youth' in this body is not what it used to be. Chloe has been so busy along with the other CHA students (Christian Heritage Academy, Oklahoma) that I have not seen much of her. Gayle has been kept busy with Ed, running parts and fixing things, along with keeping the generators in repair. 
This morning a third of the group, will pack up and head to the 'Ranch' (Ed, Debby, Gayle and ?, while the rest of us finish the roofing project. I will lead the rest of the group out tomorrow morning.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day two in Guachochi..... Got a good nights rest, and woke to a beautiful sunny sky. Off to the Church at 9:00. One of the men from OK spoke for Sunday school, and then Josh Bullard preached during the morning service. The young people in the group taught VBS and children's church. We all went back to the camp site (new school grounds) and ate lunch. Came back to the house and Gayle started to work on the generator. I went back to the school ground with Ed at 4:15 to watch over everything while the group all went to do some touring at the falls and then to the town plaza for evening church service and street ministering. They came back about we have ate some supper and it's time for some shut eye. It will be a long day tomorrow. I had forgot to mention that Gayle has a terrible cold, but Dr. Penwell has him drugged up. Gayle said he felt much better today than what he did yesterday afternoon. Chloe has 'jumped' right in with the OK Group and doesn't seem to bothered with the 'lonesomes' this year......sorry Mom & Dad Haas! :) I was going to try to post some pictures tonight, but no time....10:15 already! Stay tuned.....

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Border crossing went well; everyone had their papers in order, and the vehicle titles were all OK. Drove to Cuahtomec yesterday, where we picked up roof tin, and trusses for the building we will be working on. Spent the night there, and then drove on to Guachochi today. Had enough time to get the wall plates put on and ready for the roof on Monday. After Church tomorrow, I'll try to post some pictures.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 1

Well, Lord willing in a few hours we will be crossing the border into Mexico and heading out to Guachochi. It's amazing that no matter how many times we go on this trip, it's always a fresh and exciting experience. The group dynamic may change but where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is unity... And you can feel the bond that we have in Christ as we set off to minister. We started off this morning at Ed and Debbie's with a great reunion of previous workers and fellow travelers. Adding to our number this year are some new students from Christian Heritage Academy in Oklahoma, Josh and Candace Rose (the couple who have been teaching English at the school in Guachochi), Josh's mother Kathy, some friends of theirs Larry and his daughter Lilly, as well as my brother-in law Gayle...who will now affectionately be called Juanito. Please continue to pray for us as we cross the border this morning, pick up supplies in Mexico and head out to Guachochi. Pray for a safe crossing, expediency in getting the supplies, wisdom and alertness for our drivers, and a general spirit of cooperation and fellowship among the travelers.