Slow moving after the the climb and long walk yesterday. Georgia and Deb started some painting on the cabin inside walls, as they have never been painted since Ed and Debby built the place. The three ladies have kept busy; either in the house doing chores, the greenhouse pulling weeds, or feeding the crew.......that includes themselves, and Ed and I.
Thank you gals! would be tough to do all the projects with out you.
Ed and I set up a new pump on the pond, and got it to running for a three hour break in period yesterday. Today we have the pipe all strung out and hooked up to water to Joel's fields. The greenhouse we hauled out is being put up, and clothes are being washed at that household today.
Soaking, soaping, scrubbing, rinsing all take place on the rock in front of Beatrice. I don't think I'll complain anymore about throwing a load of clothes in the washing machine!