Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's 6 am.  Dad and I are eating breakfast.  We've been up since 5.  I think Chloe stayed at Nate and Maya's last night, but I'm not sure. She might have slept at the church.  I know, Mother-of-the-year material, right?  Two other teens- Erasmo and Blanca- joined us last night from Carlsbad, NM.  They stayed at Nate and Maya's, too. Their mom is originally from Guachochi. The OKC group had a breakdown yesterday, so were projected to arrive 11 or so last night.  They were to stay at a little Baptist church near here.  As soon as they arrive here at the house, 6:30ish; we will load the van, suburban, trailers and depart for the border.  The border we will use to cross is in west El Paso.  It is a bit out of the way, but not as congested as the one in south ElPaso/Juarez.
I'm not sure when we will next update this blog.  It will depend on time and available wifi.  Our desire is to arrive in Guachochi tonight.  Pray that our border crossing goes smoothly, that we have safe travels, and in the event we are stopped, pray these teens girls some ugly!  I shudder to think of  a cartel boss eyeing all of the beautiful teens.  We hope to get there before dark, as it is not really safe to travel at night.
We made it in to Guachochi around 9:30 pm.....trip from the Border was uneventfull, with the usual stops for gas, 'potty' breaks, and a 2:00 pm break for a sandwich. We came thru Chihuahua City/Parral getting here. I have no idea the hi-way numbers, just the route; if anyone wants to follow our path. Supper was warm and awaiting us, upon arrival at the school property, and was very much appreciated! Lulu and Candice and family's were all there to greet us and serve that wonderful meal....."thank-you!"
The 'work team' are all camping out at the school site, with the exception of Stephanie (staying at Candice and Jose Rose home, and myself at the Capps home). We will take some time to get 'settled in' this morning and then get to work.
I know 'pictures' have been mentioned.....we just have to slow down for a minute to get them posted. Don't give up on us, we will get some posted. Time and Internet resources seem to limit us on these postings, but we do wish to keep you all updated....bear with us, they will come.

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