Talked with Ed; his wounds from the motorcycle accident are finally healed enough that he can get out and do things.....thank you for those that have prayed for him! Temps have been very hot in El Paso, and today the air conditioner fan motor has quit working on their home (travel trailer). Ed is working on repairs.
I see for whatever reason that the blog keeps deleting videos.....I don't understand what is happening, but will try to repost from a computer instead of the iPad.
Work continues in Guachochi, so if anyone is interested in helping financially or physically, please contact me.....planning is in progress for fall of 2013 or 1st week of Jan 2014 for a work team!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
( From The Christian Heritage Academy Facebook page)
Following a school year where "change" was the new normal, what else could you expect from a mission trip but the same. This year's trip was full of changes such as: smaller group of CHA kids, picking up 2 non-CHA kids from New Mexico, no canyon, spending the whole time in Guachochi at the school property, and finding more time to build relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ from the local church there in Guachochi.
Our work consisted primarily of finishing jobs that others had started. We had the privilege last year of seeing the first set of classrooms being built on the new school property. Between last years trip and this years, 2 other groups from the US came out to help further the work by finishing out the classrooms we began and by building 3 new classrooms, a storage area, and the foundations for the bathrooms. Our task was to take those classrooms to a near completed stage. In our week in Guachochi we cut out the windows and doors, mounted the metal windows and doors, put up dry-wall and insulation in all 3 rooms, taped and mudded the drywall, installed tar-paper in prep for metal siding on the outside of the building, textured the interior walls and painted 2 of the 3 classrooms. We also helped start the roofing structure on the bathrooms and completed the exterior cinder-block work. For such a small group of students, the work that was done was excellent and far exceeded what was expected.
Our students had a wonderful time this year really getting to know the local people. Everyday we had at least one or two workers that students worked along side and we enjoyed fellowshipping together through Sunday School, meals at the church and school, soccer games, and sharing testimonies. Both our students and the local believers there were able to have a tangible understanding of what it means to all belong to the same body of Christ.
From what I have gathered from new comers as well as those who have been on this trip multiple times, this may well be considered to be one the of the best we have ever had! God is good.
Following a school year where "change" was the new normal, what else could you expect from a mission trip but the same. This year's trip was full of changes such as: smaller group of CHA kids, picking up 2 non-CHA kids from New Mexico, no canyon, spending the whole time in Guachochi at the school property, and finding more time to build relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ from the local church there in Guachochi.
Our work consisted primarily of finishing jobs that others had started. We had the privilege last year of seeing the first set of classrooms being built on the new school property. Between last years trip and this years, 2 other groups from the US came out to help further the work by finishing out the classrooms we began and by building 3 new classrooms, a storage area, and the foundations for the bathrooms. Our task was to take those classrooms to a near completed stage. In our week in Guachochi we cut out the windows and doors, mounted the metal windows and doors, put up dry-wall and insulation in all 3 rooms, taped and mudded the drywall, installed tar-paper in prep for metal siding on the outside of the building, textured the interior walls and painted 2 of the 3 classrooms. We also helped start the roofing structure on the bathrooms and completed the exterior cinder-block work. For such a small group of students, the work that was done was excellent and far exceeded what was expected.
Our students had a wonderful time this year really getting to know the local people. Everyday we had at least one or two workers that students worked along side and we enjoyed fellowshipping together through Sunday School, meals at the church and school, soccer games, and sharing testimonies. Both our students and the local believers there were able to have a tangible understanding of what it means to all belong to the same body of Christ.
From what I have gathered from new comers as well as those who have been on this trip multiple times, this may well be considered to be one the of the best we have ever had! God is good.
These two videos are some of the school students singing in Spanish and English.....what an amazing group, and you can see the joy and fun they have!
Mrs. Leslie and her girls.....Oh yeah, with Stephanie, Candice, Debby, and Marlen as the other adults/kids!
It was very dry in Guachochi, as they have been in a drought condition. The rainy season starts in July thru September, but abnormally dry weather has also prevailed the rest of the year. Everywhere we walked outside caused little puffs of dust, and of course was constantly 'tracked' in on the floor. Constant sweeping and cleaning are a must to keep ahead of it!
Ed has 'imported' these two pieces of equipment (payed the tax 'duty fee' ) to bring them into Mexico. Here he was moving this dirt to fill in between the two classroom buildings. The area in this picture will become a playground...dirt rocks and all. Different than our playgrounds 'Stateside'.
Enough slope in the property necessitated building a deep foundation on this end of the newest building. Basements are not the norm here because of all the rock that has to be removed (usually by hand with a pick, shovel and wheelbarrow), so it was nice to see they could utilize this space for and extra room. It should be in the summer and warm in the winter.
A fence is required by the government to 'identify' all properties and was needed for security of the school. Most property lines are established with rocks walls. You can see some of those in previous pictures that have been posted in recent trips on this blog.
It was going to cost some $50,000.00 to build this, but the local government is putting in the majority of the fence, only requiring the school to install the lane portion coming into the property. It is quite the process in building this fence, all by hand labor, mixing, carrying the cement in 5 gallon buckets, pouring the foundation, then putting up forms for the small wall, and then again; mixing, wheel-borrowing and pouring by hand. This is a huge blessing for the school....I think the 'powers to be' realize the value of the school and the teachings that come forth from the walls.
Looking in from the West property line at the property.
The two classroom building on the left, what was going to be a home in the middle (now going to be administration and living quarters), and a house on the right. I believe the Pastor of the Church/Head Master of the School, Antonio and his family will eventually live in the house.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Home now, and partially caught up on things......including sleep. I fully intended to get pictures uploaded right away, but found our phone line had been cut just recently..... so once again, no internet. The phone company did get it repaired yesterday, so maybe we'll eventually get these posted.
Ed is progressing very well on his recovery from the motorcycle accident, with his nursemate, Debby, being his bandage changer and chauffeur.
Stephanie and Chloe have managed to be accepted back into the fold at the Haas residence, and hopefully they can do some posting now that they are home too.
I'm writing this in the morning, with a full day of work and projects. I will do some picture updating tonight.
Ed is progressing very well on his recovery from the motorcycle accident, with his nursemate, Debby, being his bandage changer and chauffeur.
Stephanie and Chloe have managed to be accepted back into the fold at the Haas residence, and hopefully they can do some posting now that they are home too.
I'm writing this in the morning, with a full day of work and projects. I will do some picture updating tonight.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Hello everyone, this is Chloe!
This trip has gone by so fast! Too fast actually. I was not ready to leave Guachochi when we did. I just wanted to stay all summer. Anyway, this trip was amazing! I had a blast, but best of all, God worked alot in my heart. I'm so thankful for everything He has done for me. I'm very blessed to be able to go on this trip year after year and I can't imagine stopping! I had a ton of fun and I can't believe it's already over, but can't wait for next time!
Friday, June 7, 2013
Sorry everyone, that are watching this blog. We have no Internet access here at the Capps, and my cellular connection has 1-2 bars.....not enough to download pictures in any timely manner, so am forced to wait until later for those pic postings.
The night before we left Guachochi, Ed was riding his motorcycle when someone pulled out right into his path. Ed had no choice but to lay the bike on its side and hit the vehicle. Needless to say his whole left side is tore up, especially the knee and elbow. Not sure how many stitches it took! Since arriving back in Chaparral it's been daily visits to the Doctor trying to fight the infection. Today Dr. Sherman said as soon as the swelling goes down, they may have to go back into the wound to remove 'debris'. The hospital Dr in Guachochi used cotton balls to clean the wound before the stitches and did not try to irrigate the dirt and rocks out. Thankfully Ed was wearing his helmet and did not go over the handle bars when they collided!
I have been doing repairs to the 15 passenger van, while not being chauffeur on the Dr. visits. Stephanie and Chloe are running errands and helping Debby, so we are all keeping busy. We fly out of El Paso tomorrow evening, and hope to have things all in order here, so Ed and Debby don't have to worry about it.
More later.......stay tuned!
The night before we left Guachochi, Ed was riding his motorcycle when someone pulled out right into his path. Ed had no choice but to lay the bike on its side and hit the vehicle. Needless to say his whole left side is tore up, especially the knee and elbow. Not sure how many stitches it took! Since arriving back in Chaparral it's been daily visits to the Doctor trying to fight the infection. Today Dr. Sherman said as soon as the swelling goes down, they may have to go back into the wound to remove 'debris'. The hospital Dr in Guachochi used cotton balls to clean the wound before the stitches and did not try to irrigate the dirt and rocks out. Thankfully Ed was wearing his helmet and did not go over the handle bars when they collided!
I have been doing repairs to the 15 passenger van, while not being chauffeur on the Dr. visits. Stephanie and Chloe are running errands and helping Debby, so we are all keeping busy. We fly out of El Paso tomorrow evening, and hope to have things all in order here, so Ed and Debby don't have to worry about it.
More later.......stay tuned!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
A quick note this morning.....Stephanie, Josh Rose and myself went to the 'Ranch' yesterday morning, so I could move some dirt for the new Sunday school room. I filled the inside of the foundation, pushed dirt around the perimeter, and made a channel to divert water during the rainy season. Joel and Beatrice had came out with us, and held church in the evening. Got to bed at 10:30, and back up at 5:30 to climb the mountain, and came back to town.....then working at the school the rest of the day.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
After our supper last night we went to Sinforosa. It is a breathtaking view into God's amazing creation. Wow! The top photo is one that Dad took while we were there. The air was very smoky, so our long range view was limited. However, the vast area that the Copper Canyon emcompasses was clear. We simply cannot comprehend the magnitude of the canyon. The Tarahuamara people live throughout the canyon area and are the center of the Capps ministry. Dad says that at night one can see the home fires of the people who dwell in the cliffs. We could see the trail, incredibly steep in many areas, wind up and out of the depth. The Tarahuamara walk miles and miles and miles and miles - all day in some areas- to reach the top, then they have to walk on to catch a ride to town. How many of us complain about having to carry the garbage clear out to the dumpster, 50 yards away? We spoiled people with our first world problemas!
It was rewarding after a day of hard work to take a fun-break!(The lower photo is a close up (taken from the above link) of the same place Dad's photo came from.)
Moving cement into the bathroom/shower-house.
Building up the dirt around the foundation.
Putting up gutters.
More dirtwork.
Several layers of work going on in this photo: dry wall mudding, insulation installing, window work, dirt work, concrete work.
Materials for inside of buildings. Drywall, insulation, etc.
A good photo of the drywall work that the girls are doing. The guys/gals installed the bars over the windows, too.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Back to Class
Today was a special day! We got to go back to class. It has been many years since any of us were in primary school, some longer than others. This morning the school invited us to join them in a musical and teaching service. We arrived a la escuela the same time the students were.
Pastor Antonia and his guitar led us in beautiful worship. The students sang their favorite songs, including actions. They even gave us a special surprise and sang a song in English. I'm staying with Josh and Candice Rose; Candice is the English language teacher at the school. She, Isamar, and Flor Castro are teaching the students praise songs in English. After the song service, the students took part in a message from Daniel. I'm going to be honest and say that I had not much of a clue was was being said, but did pick up on a few points. The Pastor was very entertaining and had the students laughing and interacting the whole time. I know enough Espanol (barely) to know he was speaking to the students about guarding their heart. A deceived mind equals a deceived heart. Mr. Bullard, headmaster of the Christian Heritage Academy in Oklahoma, spoke to the students via a translator. He challenged the school kids to take the message to heart, and told them that his students in Oklahoma receive the same sermon regarding the mind and heart.
After the service we divided into groups and visited classrooms. The students were as excited to host us as we were to visit!
Chloe, Ashley, and Blanca are handing out supplies to the 3rd grade class.
Estudiantes enthusiasticos!
Mrs. Yadida showing off some of the material her classroom, and others will share. Every student received a new pencil.
Pastor Antonia and his guitar led us in beautiful worship. The students sang their favorite songs, including actions. They even gave us a special surprise and sang a song in English. I'm staying with Josh and Candice Rose; Candice is the English language teacher at the school. She, Isamar, and Flor Castro are teaching the students praise songs in English. After the song service, the students took part in a message from Daniel. I'm going to be honest and say that I had not much of a clue was was being said, but did pick up on a few points. The Pastor was very entertaining and had the students laughing and interacting the whole time. I know enough Espanol (barely) to know he was speaking to the students about guarding their heart. A deceived mind equals a deceived heart. Mr. Bullard, headmaster of the Christian Heritage Academy in Oklahoma, spoke to the students via a translator. He challenged the school kids to take the message to heart, and told them that his students in Oklahoma receive the same sermon regarding the mind and heart.
After the service we divided into groups and visited classrooms. The students were as excited to host us as we were to visit!
Estudiantes enthusiasticos!
Mrs. Yadida showing off some of the material her classroom, and others will share. Every student received a new pencil.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Today (first day of work) in Guachochi, the group installed more insulation, put up sheet rock, helped mix cement, hauled cement in buckets, put up rain gutters and more. Ed and I had equipment that needed servicing, parts to get fixed in town, running parts to the school ground and more! I started making up some of the wiring in school rooms, and then showed one of the young men (Mark) how to do it, while Ed and I had to go pick up parts for small engine I am rebuilding. Just got started on that project, when it was time to have supper with the group, then downtown for ice cream afterward.
Back to the house, and visiting with Pastor Antonio until 10pm.....shower and off to bed now.
Another big day tomorrow
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
It's 6 am. Dad and I are eating breakfast. We've been up since 5. I think Chloe stayed at Nate and Maya's last night, but I'm not sure. She might have slept at the church. I know, Mother-of-the-year material, right? Two other teens- Erasmo and Blanca- joined us last night from Carlsbad, NM. They stayed at Nate and Maya's, too. Their mom is originally from Guachochi. The OKC group had a breakdown yesterday, so were projected to arrive 11 or so last night. They were to stay at a little Baptist church near here. As soon as they arrive here at the house, 6:30ish; we will load the van, suburban, trailers and depart for the border. The border we will use to cross is in west El Paso. It is a bit out of the way, but not as congested as the one in south ElPaso/Juarez.
I'm not sure when we will next update this blog. It will depend on time and available wifi. Our desire is to arrive in Guachochi tonight. Pray that our border crossing goes smoothly, that we have safe travels, and in the event we are stopped, pray these teens girls some ugly! I shudder to think of a cartel boss eyeing all of the beautiful teens. We hope to get there before dark, as it is not really safe to travel at night.
We made it in to Guachochi around 9:30 pm.....trip from the Border was uneventfull, with the usual stops for gas, 'potty' breaks, and a 2:00 pm break for a sandwich. We came thru Chihuahua City/Parral getting here. I have no idea the hi-way numbers, just the route; if anyone wants to follow our path. Supper was warm and awaiting us, upon arrival at the school property, and was very much appreciated! Lulu and Candice and family's were all there to greet us and serve that wonderful meal....."thank-you!"
The 'work team' are all camping out at the school site, with the exception of Stephanie (staying at Candice and Jose Rose home, and myself at the Capps home). We will take some time to get 'settled in' this morning and then get to work.
I know 'pictures' have been mentioned.....we just have to slow down for a minute to get them posted. Don't give up on us, we will get some posted. Time and Internet resources seem to limit us on these postings, but we do wish to keep you all updated....bear with us, they will come.
I'm not sure when we will next update this blog. It will depend on time and available wifi. Our desire is to arrive in Guachochi tonight. Pray that our border crossing goes smoothly, that we have safe travels, and in the event we are stopped, pray these teens girls some ugly! I shudder to think of a cartel boss eyeing all of the beautiful teens. We hope to get there before dark, as it is not really safe to travel at night.
We made it in to Guachochi around 9:30 pm.....trip from the Border was uneventfull, with the usual stops for gas, 'potty' breaks, and a 2:00 pm break for a sandwich. We came thru Chihuahua City/Parral getting here. I have no idea the hi-way numbers, just the route; if anyone wants to follow our path. Supper was warm and awaiting us, upon arrival at the school property, and was very much appreciated! Lulu and Candice and family's were all there to greet us and serve that wonderful meal....."thank-you!"
The 'work team' are all camping out at the school site, with the exception of Stephanie (staying at Candice and Jose Rose home, and myself at the Capps home). We will take some time to get 'settled in' this morning and then get to work.
I know 'pictures' have been mentioned.....we just have to slow down for a minute to get them posted. Don't give up on us, we will get some posted. Time and Internet resources seem to limit us on these postings, but we do wish to keep you all updated....bear with us, they will come.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Well it's way to late to post much post much right now....11:40(that's PM), I just had a quick shower and am ready for some 'shut-eye!' We had two oil changes on the suburban and the van, and worked on the airplane in between. Finally got it started a couple times but it would not stay running. We will try to post some pictures tomorrow as time allows.......good night all. Steve
I was supposed to have updated the blog this morning. Oops!
Lunch is simmering - sopa pollo, and I got the table set so I have a few free moments.
Yesterday we attended church in Las Cruces. After dinner we visited the home of long time friends of the Capps. Upon return to Chaparral we enjoyed a much needed siesta. In the cool of the evening (80*) I took time to water bamboo that is dying due to the drought, while Chloe did some house chores. We then drove up the road to Nate and Maya's home to visit with them. Nate is the Capps son, and Maya his beautiful wife from Mexico. They have 4 fun, entertaining, very intelligent children. Chloe and I enjoyed playing with the kids while the guys worked on the bus. Little Sarah, who is 4, chattered up a storm of fluent Spanish to me- wondering why I wasn't responding. She would say, "why you not talking to me?" with her little hands on her hips. Her sweet mom, learning English herself, would kindly translate. Six year old Andres whooped Chloe in a game of Red Light-Green Light-Go. She cried herself to sleep. (Not really).
By 6:30 this morning the guys were working on the airplane. We've fallen into a morning routine of working until breakfast, which is around 8-8:30. After our meal they went back to working on equipment. Debbie lined Chloe and I out on the van project. 'The Van' is a 15 passenger with the back two seats removed. The cargo area was full of donated school supplies, clothing, and work tools. Chloe sorted through clothing; packing it into suitcases, or Wal-mart sacks that could be shoved under the seats. I took on the school supply project like a champ. A Conestoga Elementary class in Gillette, WY took gathering classroom supplies seriously! Stacked horizontally, all of the pencils filled two one gallon bags FULL. There were also index cards galore, glue sticks, a jillion
math flash cards, rulers, binder clips, erasers, paper, glitter, scissors, a calculator, dry erase boards and more. As a kid I would get into trouble for stuffing and shoving things to rid of them. Today my mom would beembarrassed proud that I put those skills to work. After shoving the bags under the seats we stuffed any available space with shoes - one shoe at a time until we could securely say there was no more room. After the back two rows of seats are installed we will get to shove and stuff once again. See, this work business really is fun!
This afternoon Chloe is helping Debbie with her prayer letter. Dad and Ed retrieved the bus that Nate finished working on. The bus will not be making this trip to Mexico. They still need to complete paperwork to avoid paying Duty (taxes) on it, since it is going to a school. More mechanical work will be completed and wheel barrows repaired. It's sort of a down-time in the afternoons due to the heat. We'll be texting the Oklahoma group as they are gathering paint, food, and gear to leave from home early tomorrow morning. They've been hard at work cleaning up after the tornado at their own homes. Even though they will be working hard in Mexico it might seem like light labor to them after this past week! We continue to pray endurance for that group.
Last month I sprained my ankle. It has healed well, but can still be a bit sore. This morning I was talking on the phone with my family, while wiggling into my shoes, and rolled it again. Yes, this does prove that I can't walk and talk at the same time. Please pray that it will stop hurting and will not be a problem. I do have a brace packed, and will put it on when the swelling [once again] resides.
Tomorrow we will spend the day in town purchasing more building supplies, food, and exchanging
money into pesos. By evening we need to be packed and loaded for an early departure on Wednesday morning. I was afraid to ask them to define 'early'.
Adios for now,
Just before lunch we ran to the local market. On the way back home Debbie stopped at a Mexican Bakery in Chaparral. Besides picking out various pastries, she requested a cactus burrito. We tried it as our noontime appetizer and was it ever good! I'm hooked. Kirk is going to think I've lost it when he finds me boiling cactus for dinner. I'll try to smile and act like its perfectly normal.
Lunch is simmering - sopa pollo, and I got the table set so I have a few free moments.
Yesterday we attended church in Las Cruces. After dinner we visited the home of long time friends of the Capps. Upon return to Chaparral we enjoyed a much needed siesta. In the cool of the evening (80*) I took time to water bamboo that is dying due to the drought, while Chloe did some house chores. We then drove up the road to Nate and Maya's home to visit with them. Nate is the Capps son, and Maya his beautiful wife from Mexico. They have 4 fun, entertaining, very intelligent children. Chloe and I enjoyed playing with the kids while the guys worked on the bus. Little Sarah, who is 4, chattered up a storm of fluent Spanish to me- wondering why I wasn't responding. She would say, "why you not talking to me?" with her little hands on her hips. Her sweet mom, learning English herself, would kindly translate. Six year old Andres whooped Chloe in a game of Red Light-Green Light-Go. She cried herself to sleep. (Not really).
By 6:30 this morning the guys were working on the airplane. We've fallen into a morning routine of working until breakfast, which is around 8-8:30. After our meal they went back to working on equipment. Debbie lined Chloe and I out on the van project. 'The Van' is a 15 passenger with the back two seats removed. The cargo area was full of donated school supplies, clothing, and work tools. Chloe sorted through clothing; packing it into suitcases, or Wal-mart sacks that could be shoved under the seats. I took on the school supply project like a champ. A Conestoga Elementary class in Gillette, WY took gathering classroom supplies seriously! Stacked horizontally, all of the pencils filled two one gallon bags FULL. There were also index cards galore, glue sticks, a jillion
math flash cards, rulers, binder clips, erasers, paper, glitter, scissors, a calculator, dry erase boards and more. As a kid I would get into trouble for stuffing and shoving things to rid of them. Today my mom would be
This afternoon Chloe is helping Debbie with her prayer letter. Dad and Ed retrieved the bus that Nate finished working on. The bus will not be making this trip to Mexico. They still need to complete paperwork to avoid paying Duty (taxes) on it, since it is going to a school. More mechanical work will be completed and wheel barrows repaired. It's sort of a down-time in the afternoons due to the heat. We'll be texting the Oklahoma group as they are gathering paint, food, and gear to leave from home early tomorrow morning. They've been hard at work cleaning up after the tornado at their own homes. Even though they will be working hard in Mexico it might seem like light labor to them after this past week! We continue to pray endurance for that group.
Last month I sprained my ankle. It has healed well, but can still be a bit sore. This morning I was talking on the phone with my family, while wiggling into my shoes, and rolled it again. Yes, this does prove that I can't walk and talk at the same time. Please pray that it will stop hurting and will not be a problem. I do have a brace packed, and will put it on when the swelling [once again] resides.
Tomorrow we will spend the day in town purchasing more building supplies, food, and exchanging
money into pesos. By evening we need to be packed and loaded for an early departure on Wednesday morning. I was afraid to ask them to define 'early'.
Adios for now,
Just before lunch we ran to the local market. On the way back home Debbie stopped at a Mexican Bakery in Chaparral. Besides picking out various pastries, she requested a cactus burrito. We tried it as our noontime appetizer and was it ever good! I'm hooked. Kirk is going to think I've lost it when he finds me boiling cactus for dinner. I'll try to smile and act like its perfectly normal.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
We made it to El Paso, the Capps were there waiting for us, and 'hit the ground' running. Did some shopping for supplies, ate a late lunch, and then back to Chapparel, NM ( Debby's Dad, Mel James, lives here, and is the Capps 'border home site') Looked over the 'new' used 66 passenger bus that will be going to the school in Guachochi, when they can get it imported, and did some trouble shooting on the emergency lights. Fixed a drain pipe on the house, and started building new pieces and did repairs on wheel barrows to take across the border. Visited with the neighbors, Pete and Joy Raymond, friends who have extended missionary works across the border in Juarez, MX. Always a pleasure to see them!
We are off to Las Cruces this morning for Church, then may take a 'siesta' during the hot hour of the afternoon, but have more things to get done as the day cools off....wheelbarrows, wash Mel's car, repairs to engine for a generator, and whatever else comes up. We attempt to make our time count will here! :)
We are off to Las Cruces this morning for Church, then may take a 'siesta' during the hot hour of the afternoon, but have more things to get done as the day cools off....wheelbarrows, wash Mel's car, repairs to engine for a generator, and whatever else comes up. We attempt to make our time count will here! :)
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Made it to DIA safely with Charla driving :) thru security quickly, and now sitting for 1 1/2 hrs to board.....oh well, at least we are 'on time' and ready to go.

This is Chloe! As Pops said, we're sitting here in the airport. I'm pretty excited! I don't know if it is because my mom is here this year or if it is the fact that this is my third trip, but I'm very relaxed and not near as nervous as I usually am. I'm excited to see the CHA group again, too! It's kinda hard to believe that this is the third time I've gone. God has done amazing things in my lace and has defiantly put Guachochi in my heart. The people and the places are always on my mind and I can't wait to see them again! God is good and I'm very excited!
Stephanie, here. It's nice to finally be on the road. I've so busy/overwhelmed with everything that I had to get ready on the home front, that I didn't really have a chance to get excited. I'm now on my adventure as I've been terming it to my youngest. He gets three adventures: unchaperoned (by me) time with his dad, the tv, and a bag of chips; his time at "Grammy Camp" and the sugar IV that comes with it; then time at Aunt Charla's, which will include playing with 9 cousins, baby ducks, geese and FUN! I get one adventure and although it won't include junk food (beyond a Mexican Coke) I'm ready to go! My work gloves are packed.
We are blessed that my dad didn't take us on a grand adventure this morning...after we've been through security and found our gate, he discovered a pistol bullet in his pocket! There are times when Chloe refuses to claim me, I might have felt that way about my jailbird father. Charla dropped us off at DIA this morning, I'd have called her to bail him out. Praise God that Ed and Debbie were praying smooth travels for us!
This is Chloe! As Pops said, we're sitting here in the airport. I'm pretty excited! I don't know if it is because my mom is here this year or if it is the fact that this is my third trip, but I'm very relaxed and not near as nervous as I usually am. I'm excited to see the CHA group again, too! It's kinda hard to believe that this is the third time I've gone. God has done amazing things in my lace and has defiantly put Guachochi in my heart. The people and the places are always on my mind and I can't wait to see them again! God is good and I'm very excited!
Stephanie, here. It's nice to finally be on the road. I've so busy/overwhelmed with everything that I had to get ready on the home front, that I didn't really have a chance to get excited. I'm now on my adventure as I've been terming it to my youngest. He gets three adventures: unchaperoned (by me) time with his dad, the tv, and a bag of chips; his time at "Grammy Camp" and the sugar IV that comes with it; then time at Aunt Charla's, which will include playing with 9 cousins, baby ducks, geese and FUN! I get one adventure and although it won't include junk food (beyond a Mexican Coke) I'm ready to go! My work gloves are packed.
We are blessed that my dad didn't take us on a grand adventure this morning...after we've been through security and found our gate, he discovered a pistol bullet in his pocket! There are times when Chloe refuses to claim me, I might have felt that way about my jailbird father. Charla dropped us off at DIA this morning, I'd have called her to bail him out. Praise God that Ed and Debbie were praying smooth travels for us!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Officially 'on the way!'
Left Wyoming this afternoon, and have arrived in Colorado. Had supper with the Blums (daughter Judi and family) then to the Lacy's (daughter Charla and family) to spend the night. Re-packed some of the luggage, to even out weight, and to stuff in some 'extra's'.....want to take every pound allowable for the price that has to be paid. Charla will drive us to DIA for departure to El Paso. Goodnight!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
I hope this post like it of what has recently been done, and our project this year to finish the inside......wiring, insulation, sheetrock, sanding and painting!
I hope this post like it of what has recently been done, and our project this year to finish the inside......wiring, insulation, sheetrock, sanding and painting!
Haven't had much to report until now, but......
Ed and Debby were here in Gillette for a week and we were on the go! Debby has a childhood girlfriend in G town (Karen Naramore) so they got to visit. I was able to line up the necessities for Ed to obtain his Biennial flight review for a pilot. That include using my plane (one like he used to own), a flight instructor ( that just happened to be in town and available), and the flight medical with Dr Naramore. Other days we kept busy with work and visiting. We flew to Glendive, MT for a couple days to visit Ed's niece that just recently moved there from North Carolina.
Friday May 24th,, I meet my daughter and her daughter (Stephanie and Chloe), and then we fly out of Denver to El Paso on Sat morning. Will be with the Capps over the weekend before we meet the Oklahoma group and cross the Border on Monday.
I will post more as the trip progresses.
Ed and Debby were here in Gillette for a week and we were on the go! Debby has a childhood girlfriend in G town (Karen Naramore) so they got to visit. I was able to line up the necessities for Ed to obtain his Biennial flight review for a pilot. That include using my plane (one like he used to own), a flight instructor ( that just happened to be in town and available), and the flight medical with Dr Naramore. Other days we kept busy with work and visiting. We flew to Glendive, MT for a couple days to visit Ed's niece that just recently moved there from North Carolina.
Friday May 24th,, I meet my daughter and her daughter (Stephanie and Chloe), and then we fly out of Denver to El Paso on Sat morning. Will be with the Capps over the weekend before we meet the Oklahoma group and cross the Border on Monday.
I will post more as the trip progresses.
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